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Welcome to Zydayne Gfx!!

First thing's first, you will need to know what you need as far as your GD Profile Picture! Here I will provide you a list of details you will need to provide me with. Please look over it carefully and read the bottom once you are ready.

1) Primary  Color

2) Secondary Color

3) Icon (E.g. 30 Ultimate ToE II/3 coins ToEII)

4)Ship/Ufo/Robot/Wave/Ball(E.g. Complete 1000 user levels)

5)Theme (Space? Ocean? Inside of a computer's coding?? You name it)

6) Special Fx?

7)Border(What kind, and if you have a custom one you would like me to use, you will have to email me the file)

Once you have figured these things out, please visit the Contact Me tab under About.

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